Starbelly is family friendly, inclusive, empathetic dance school that is for everyBODY.
Starbelly is a one stop shop for everyone interested in belly dance, all age and levels classes, tailored costumes, professional mentorship, performance opportunities, emotional and spiritual growth through dance.
Cecilia is a talented instructor and artist with 3 decades of experience in raqs sharki and built the foundations of large scale belly dance education in Idaho.
Starbelly School of Dance offers professional Belly dance training in: Classical and Modern Belly Dance-Raqs Sharqi, Turkish, Egyptian, Tribal, Vintage American Cabaret, Folkloric, & Fusion Belly Dance
Take a moment to like, follow, share, and support these vibrant groups forming the Global Lounge Artists Coalition. Let’s celebrate diversity and stay connected to the beauty of tradition.
“Starbelly is truly something special. I feel safe and heard as an artist, I genuinely care about everyone, and I feel like I'm a part of something magical.”
~ Starbelly Student
This year we were proud to sponsor a tree during the St. Luke's Festival of Trees event. Our tree was decorated by Annyta McNees and Jenneth McNees, and portrays the love we have for promoting the arts in Boise. We hope you had a chance to stop by this amazing event.
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