Tidwell Social Work Multicultural Community Dinner is the third Tuesday of every month at the Global Lounge Commons. We would love to have you join us for the wonderful evening, celebrating the food of different cultures each month.
This event is always free and child-friendly and always starts at 6pm.
Please feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share.
This year we were proud to sponsor a tree during the St. Luke's Festival of Trees event. Our tree was decorated by Annyta McNees and Jenneth McNees, and portrays the love we have for promoting the arts in Boise. We hope you had a chance to stop by this amazing event.
Read MoreKirk is a national public sculptor with artwork in 20/50 states so far. We are honored to have him design and paint a mural at the site of our headquarters.Kirk designed a piece titled, "Melting Pot" a colorful concept featuring a stained glass look with puzzle pieces fitting together. Design by Kirk Seese of BB Murals
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